6 Health Concerns You Should Know Before Using the Abortion Pill

Using a pill to terminate a pregnancy is called a medical abortion. Two different drugs are given. The first is called mifepristone. Mifepristone causes the uterine lining to break down so that nutrients are no longer available to the fetus. The second drug is called misoprostol and is taken a few days after taking the first pill. Misoprostol causes the uterus to expel the fetus, similar to a miscarriage. Women who are less than 10 weeks pregnant may be able to use the pill.  

The following is a list of health concerns to consider before opting for the abortion pill:

  1. Women who have an ectopic pregnancy need to have the fetus removed surgically and are not eligible for the abortion pill.  
  2. Women who have certain medical conditions are not eligible for the abortion pill.  These conditions include, but may not be limited to
    1. Women with ovarian masses
    2. Women taking anticoagulants.
    3. Women who have an IUD.
    4. Women with adrenal gland, kidney, liver or heart problems.
    5. Women taking corticosteroids.
    6. Women with a molar pregnancy.
  3. There are a few side effects of taking the abortion pill that are similar to having a miscarriage. These side effects include the following:
    1. Cramping
    2. Nausea
    3. Diarrhea
    4. Prolonged and sometimes severe bleeding
    5. Hot flashes 
  4. The abortion pill will not terminate all pregnancies, and in these cases, a surgical abortion procedure will need to follow. Surgical abortions involve very painful procedures to the fetus including piercing the heart with a large needle to induce a heart attack, taking scissors to the head, and sucking out the brain and tearing limbs from the body. Even though anesthesia is given to the pregnant mother so she will not feel pain, the fetus will feel pain.
  5. There is no documented evidence that using the abortion pill will impact further pregnancies. However, as with any miscarriage, fetal tissue can remain in the uterus and a dilation and curettage (D&C) may be necessary after taking the abortion pill. A D&C is an outpatient surgical procedure requiring anesthesia.
  6. Many studies performed state that women generally do not regret having an abortion. However, these studies are generally done by companies that perform abortions and have a stake in making money off of abortions. Every woman I know who has had an abortion has regretted it tremendously, and she is left with guilt.  

No medicine or medical procedure is without side effects. The side effects include physical side effects as well as emotional side effects that can have lingering effects on the mother. Please consider all of your options before choosing an abortion. There are numerous other paths you could choose for your child, ones that mean life. Consider placing your baby for adoption. There are many waiting families who are willing and eager to give a baby a loving, forever home.


If you are unexpectedly pregnant and considering adoption, visit Adoption.com to view adoption profiles from hopeful adoptive parents. Visit Adoption.com/unplanned-pregnancy to find guidance with your unplanned pregnancy.